The kick-off meeting was held in Tirana at the European University of Tirana premises, marking the beginning of a significant collaboration between the European University of Tirana (UET), FH Johanneum, and Neapolis University of Pafos. This initial gathering was critical for laying the foundation of a new master’s program focused on Global Digital Entrepreneurship.
The meeting’s agenda centered on conducting a finalizing a needs analysis of students and the labor market, as a next step following the three institutional focus groups held in December 2023 at each partner HEI, which is essential for the relevance and success of the new program. Participants engaged in discussions about the strategic direction of the master’s program, delving into details such as accreditation processes, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), and specific course content.
Additionally, the partners reviewed the complex landscape of national and institutional policies that could influence the master program’s structure and delivery. Each institution outlined their contributions to the curriculum, refining the structure of the proposed master’s program to ensure it meets educational standards and industry needs.
This collaborative effort set a strong foundation for developing a program that aims to equip students with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital entrepreneurship sector.