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Admission to MGDE

The admissions process is carried out and documented in an objective, verifiable and transparent manner. The selection process is based on performance-based criteria. Applicants who fulfil the admission requirements, must submit an application, together with the required documentation. Students are admitted irrespective of nationality, race, religion or gender, provided they meet the predefined admission criteria. Call for applications is announced in each partner university’s website, and other means of communication such as brochures, career study fairs, etc.

Applications shall be submitted online, in a dedicated platform, where all partner institutions will have access to the applicant’s data.

The admission requirements to the GDE joint Master programme are:

  • The applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree (EQF Level 6), at least 180 ECTS, or equivalent degree programme at a recognised higher education institution. In case the equivalence has been established basically and only to certain supplementary qualifications are required for full equivalence, the Coordination Board shall be entitled to tie the determination of equivalence to examination to be taken during the Master’s programme. (in the case of UET, a student with a foreign diploma has to go through diploma recognition process from the Albanian Agency for Educational Services).
  • Proof of proficiency of English Language (at least B2 level) to be proven through one of the international tests IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge English Exam. Candidates who have completed previous studies conducted in English language are considered to fulfil automatically such a requirement.

Admission procedure:

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  • Application documents will be submitted online, through a platform that will be available on the website of all partner universities;
  • Applications shall be submitted in English language only;
  • List of required documents:
  1. Motivation Letter (approximately 250-300 words) outlining the rationale for applying to enrol in the study programme
  2. Project proposal (300-500 words) where the applicant outlines his/her main research interests;
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Official copy of the Bachelor’s degree diploma, or equivalent, together with the academic transcript (translated in English). In case the applicant has not been provided with the diploma yet, a certificate proving he/she is in the last year of Bachelor programme of studies.
  5. Proof of English Language certificate;
  6. Scanned copy of ID document and/or passport;
  7. 2 Letter of recommendations from professors or employers (providing their contact information as well).

Selection procedure

Each application will be assessed on a scale 1-10 according to the common criteria agreed by the Coordination Board, which focuses on the academic and professional excellence of the candidates, as well as the motivation and professional objectives. Applicants who fulfil the admission criteria and are ranked higher are invited to an oral interview, in front of a commission comprised of representatives of at least two of the partner universities. The interview phase takes place only when the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available.

The list of successful applicants is prepared by the coordinator on behalf of the consortium and is published. Each successful applicant will receive an acceptance letter by email, where they are provided with all the necessary information about the duration of studies, tuition fee to be paid and detailed enrolment procedure to be followed.

Enrolment of students

Registration of MGDE students is documented by UET, since it is the HEI where students begin their studies, and the data is shared with the two other partner institutions. All candidates who do not hold an Albanian Bachelor’s degree, shall apply for their diploma recognition in the respective Albanian Agency. UET will provide all the necessary guidance and support to send the required applications for diploma recognition.

Student will be enrolled at UET at the beginning of the study programme, at NUP for the second semester, at FH JOANNEUM for the third semester. During the fourth semester, students will be enrolled in the institution they will choose to work for their final project. By enrolling in each of the institutions, students will sign and commit to comply with the respective statutes, ordinances, regulations of each partner institution.

Students will be entitled to use the services and the facilities of the institutions at which they are enrolled. They are required to notify the institutions they are enrolled in case of withdrawal from the study programme and/or any changes in their personal details. The coordinator of the study programme will be responsible for reporting such changes to any external agencies or bodies, where appropriate, as well as informing partner institutions to do the same in their home country if it is the case.

The official records regarding credits obtained and transferred from one member institution to another corresponding to the award of the degree will be maintained by the coordinating institution. Each member institution recognises the ECTS credits achieved by students at other institutions in the consortium.